Navigating by route names or route numbers doesn't work. Navigating by Knooppunten numbers (intersections or nodes) does. All you have to do is follow the numbers. This method started in Limburg, Belgium and is now used in Belgium, the Netherlands, parts of Germany and France, Zeltweg in Austria and Zaragoza in Spain:
This map attempts to illustrate how the knooppunten system could work here in Australia.
In this example map there are four quadrants containing intersection numbers: 1-25, 26-50, 51-75 and 76-99. In each of these quadrants, the number range is deterministically shuffled, to minimise nearby repeats. Nearby repeats will occur but these can be clarified from their context ie by what intersections they point to. Note also: complex intersections will have multiple markers using the same number.
Refer to layer control for the quadrant grid: Each quadrant measures 2.5km by 2.5 km. Worst case and rarely, a number will repeat 2.5km away. Unfortunately to increase that distance, three digit node numbers would be required.
A red icon indicates the quadrant has too many intersections allocated - a node(s) needs to be removed from that quadrant.
A blue icon with two arrows is not a 'Decision' point (ie a node) but a 'Confirmation/Continuation' point.
The system has the advantage that areas can be signed as money becomes available. Signs can also be mass produced and stencils can also be used. The node numbers can also be retrofitted to any existing signage. Directional signage and node signage are not mutually exclusive. New routes acquire additional numbered nodes. Nearby signage is argumented to reflect the insertion of these new nodes into the landscape.
In Victoria, Australia, we also have ESTA Emergency Markers placed on the landscape - see the layer control. These often coincide with the intersection numbers. Could intersection markers also act as Emergency Markers?
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On some layers the information displayed or the visibility of the information depends totally on the current Zoom level.
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